Al Manhal is the leading Arabic electronic information provider. We are the world’s only provider of full-text searchable databases of scholarly and scientific publications from the Middle East, Africa & Asia’s.
Cambridge published its first book in 1584 making it the oldest publishing house in the world. Over the next four centuries the Press’s reputation spread throughout Europe, based on excellence in scholarly publishing of academic texts, poetry, school books, prayer books and Bibles.
As a leading social science publisher, we’re passionate about leading change, and align everything we do with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. In doing so we publish research that influences thinking, changes policies, and positively makes a difference to lives beyond the walls of academia.
SAGE is a leading international publisher of journals, books, and electronic media for academic, educational, and professional markets. Since 1965, SAGE has helped inform and educate a global community of scholars, practitioners, researchers, and students spanning a wide range of subject areas including business, humanities, social sciences, and science, technology and medicine.
Established in Singapore since 2006, iG Publishing works with more than 60 reputable publishers to represent their brands. The company is the leading provider of eBook collections in the region with over 150,000 titles covering all disciplines. iG publishing is growing its online resources to meet emerging needs and embracing innovative and new technologies to deliver relevant and timely content to readers at home, in colleges and universities and in the workplace.
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) was officially born on 30 September 1961. Origins date back to 1960, when 18 European countries plus the United States and Canada joined forces to create an organisation dedicated to global development.
Oxford Journals is a division of Oxford University Press, which is a department of Oxford University. They publish well over 200 academic and research journals covering a broad range of subject areas, two-thirds of which are published in collaboration with learned societies and other international organizations.
Springer Nature advances discovery by publishing robust and insightful research, supporting the development of new areas of knowledge, making ideas and information accessible around the world, and leading the way on open access.
DealStreetAsia provides users with deals data, intelligence, and perspective on some of Asia’s most opaque markets to international and regional investors. DealStreetAsia also tracks start-ups that are disrupting the status quo.