Al Manhal is the leading Arabic electronic information provider. We are the world’s only provider of full-text searchable databases of scholarly and scientific publications from the Middle East, Africa & Asia’s.
Al Manhal / Techknowledge combines deep publishing and library expertise with best-in-class technology to enable university, government, corporate, school and public library users to efficiently discover and access thousands of eBooks, eJournals, eTheses, intelligence reports, and conference proceedings from the Middle East, Africa & Asia’s leading publishers and research institutes.

Al Manhal’s unique research platform maximizes research productivity and quality. Our powerful search and discovery tools include:

  • Full-text search
  • Contextual linking, highlighting & annotating
  • Unlimited simultaneous access
  • “MARC21” records for eBooks (RDA compliant)
  • Automatic citations with Endnote, RefWorks and Citavi
  • COUNTER compliant usage reports
  • IP range, remote access, proxy, Athens and Shibboleth authentication methods